Here you can download best 3D live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best 3D live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Engine Assembly - detailed internal combustion engine. Each detail has its own animation which makes the mechanism work as one whole.
Discus 3D - beautiful live wallpapers with bright colorful discus aquarium fishes. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device and watch relaxing swimming of fishes surrounded by beautiful animation.
Space galaxy 3D by Mobo Theme Apps Team - charming 3D live wallpapers with beautiful icons of applications for those who like space theme. Set this application to your device to enjoy views of the planet and space station from space.
Deer and nature 3D - relaxing live wallpapers, which will take you to a wonderful wood with deer, hares, squirrels and birds. Enjoy the beauty of the wild green wood, meet its inhabitants, walking peacefully on the shore of a beautiufl lake.
Jellyfish 3D by Womcd - original live wallpapers with glowing colorful jellyfish. Decorate the screen of your device with these merry positive wallpapers and give yourself and your friends good mood.
Aircraft - enjoy the free flight of the battle aircraft. You can look at it from different angles and see how its turbines ignite.
Maple Leaves - enjoy falling leaves having various colors. Maple leaves will dance slowly when you turn desktops.
My name 3D - original live wallpapers with the help of which you can write on the screen your name or a phrase using different styles. Set these wallpapers, personify your device and underline your style.
Holiday eve is displayed on live wall-paper Christmas moon. The moon shines, light snow falls on the house, a fir-tree and a snowman.
Desert treasure - stunning 3D live wallpapers with mysterious treasures in the desert. Open all boxes to find gold and treasures. But be careful and be ready for the unexpected things.
Earth 3D by Live Wallpapers HD - incredible live wallpapers with 3D image of our planet. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device and enjoy view of the Earth from space and watch change of day and night.
Neon triangle 3D - bright and stylish 3D wallpapers with purple neon triangle. Set these wallpapers to your screen with a new set of designer's icons and create a unique image for your device.