Looking for free Android live wallpapers? Don't want to spend more money buying full versions? We can help you! At Mob.org you can find thousands of new live wallpapers. Apk files are very easy to install, just a few seconds and you will enjoy your new beautiful screensaver. All content is ordered in categories: adult, girls, animals, movies and many more. Just select model of your tablet or phone in the right panel, and our system will select you the most appropriate files. If you are searching live wallpapers for Android tablet, it will be more convenient to sort files by OS version. And remember, totally free mobile content is only at Mob.org!
Winter snow by live wallpaper HongKong - feel winter magic with high quality wallpapers! Many backgrounds to choose, beautiful snowflakes falling slowly and low power consumption.
Fish - bright and beautiful live wallpapers with swimming fishes. Create your own aquarium of exotic fishes directly on the screen of your device. You can choose a background and kinds of fishes to make your wallpapers unique.
Guns - big collection of powerful weapons. All photos of guns and machineguns are made in high resolution so you can watch them in details.
New Engine - watch a powerful engine working. You will see the gears moving accurately as well as blasts in cylinders.
Earth: Asteroid Belt - is an unusual asteroid belt which occured around the planet Earth. You can see huge stones as well as space dust.
Rock by Cute Live Wallpapers And Backgrounds - wallpapers which can show your love to this genre. Excellent backgrounds to select, unintrusive but animated in a high quality manner particles.
Dreamcatcher - incredible live wallpapers with an Indian talisman, which protects the sleeping person from evil spirits and bad dreams. Create a unique look for your device and enjoy beautiful amulets, which will give you only positive emotions.
Chinese horoscope - wonderful wallpapers with Chinese and European horoscopes decorated with cute bubbles where you can put any photo. High quality pictures, flowing animation.
Panda dumpling lite - animated and interactive live wall-paper with a pretty pan-daughter. Touch it, and it will open eyes. The ball, which it looks at is possible to burst, but then there will be a new one.
Colibri by Joseires - fantastic live wallpapers with an awesome kolibri. The application is energy saving and is compatible with most of smartphones and tablets.
Shui kitten - get a playful and furred Shui kitten. This cute pet has a big collection of different hats, he likes to play and have fun. Provide yourself with good mood!
Tigers by Live Wallpaper HD 3D - beautiful live wallpapers with wild furious tigers. Decorate the screen of your device with bright and stylish wallpapers with big stripes cats who will please your eye every day.