Here you can download best Holidays live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Holidays live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
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Votes: 3
Halloween: Spiders - terrible live wall-paper in Halloween style. Awful web on all screen, a witch on a sweeper and a gloomy house on a background wait for you. With spiders it is possible to play, destroying them by a finger.
Views: 8 606
Popularity: 1 343
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 14
Christmas: Moving world - very beautiful live wall-paper with which on your phone there will be beauty of winter night before Christmas. The full moon and Santa rushing on sledge will give cheerful mood.
Views: 9 492
Popularity: 1 296
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 9
In Halloween steampunkin thanks to interactive flame, fog scrolling, rotating mechanical transfers and one mad lamp this live wall-paper will be ideally suited for the holiday.
Views: 10 320
Popularity: 1 249
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 27
Halloween: Moving world - a wall-paper where the moon changes according to a battery charge. It is possible to choose quantity of bats, to add a cat or an effigy, to switch on the light in windows and many other things.
Views: 16 987
Popularity: 2 518
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 10
Halloween by Aqreadd Studios - live wall-paper with terrible and evil pumpkins, with flying witches and magic dust. Wall-paper with multiple settings and different scenarios.
Views: 9 012
Popularity: 1 464
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 5
Snowy night clock - beautiful winter live wall-paper with clock. They display slowly flying snowflakes, falling stars and different patches of light.
Views: 9 355
Popularity: 1 401
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 2
With live wall-paper Snow stars you will enjoy slow dance of snowflakes on different festive backgrounds.
Views: 9 806
Popularity: 1 585
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 15
With live wall-paper Fireworks deluxe you will see how bright fireworks blow up against the night sky. Fill your phone with beautiful paints.
Views: 15 710
Popularity: 2 110
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 15
Christmas - tremendous three-dimensional dynamic wall-paper with a New Year tree sparkling with garlands and convenient counting of time to New Year and Christmas.
Views: 14 858
Popularity: 1 961
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 10
With wall-paper Scary cemetery you will open for yourselves a terrible cemetery which teems with strange and fantastic beings: black cats, witches, vampires, skeletons and others.
Views: 11 715
Popularity: 1 771
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 5
With live wall-paper Winter white you will feel all charm of New Year's holidays. Fine view of snow mountains, Santa with deer - all this can be on the screen of your smartphone.
Views: 8 363
Popularity: 1 017
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 14
Halloween Pumpkins - animated wall-paper in Halloween style. On the screen of your phone there will be a castle with the dying-away windows, blowing-up pumpkins, a witch on a sweeper and cheerfully grinning vampire.
Views: 14 670
Popularity: 2 255
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