Looking for free Android live wallpapers? Don't want to spend more money buying full versions? We can help you! At Mob.org you can find thousands of new live wallpapers. Apk files are very easy to install, just a few seconds and you will enjoy your new beautiful screensaver. All content is ordered in categories: adult, girls, animals, movies and many more. Just select model of your tablet or phone in the right panel, and our system will select you the most appropriate files. If you are searching live wallpapers for Android tablet, it will be more convenient to sort files by OS version. And remember, totally free mobile content is only at Mob.org!
Multicolor - bright and warm colors for the screen of your smartphone or tablet! Live wallpapers are touch sensitive, have simple settings and energy saving mode.
Stonehenge 3D - amazing live wallpapers with a fascinating historical creation - Stonehenge. Walk around one of the most mysterious places on Earth with a detailed view of its structure.
Green neon - awesome live wallpapers with unique design which will add new colors to your desktop. The application is touch sensitive, has simple and handy settings.
SpinIt - interactive live wall-paper which reacts to touches, position of the device and day time. And dynamic bright images raise mood instantly!
Red tree - very sensible live wallpapers for your smartphone or tablet PC. Magic tree spreaded its branches covering ground with leaves. The clouds are floating slowly and the swing is moving becasse of the wind…
Forget-me-not - live wallpapers with beautiful and nice flowers which stand for love. The application reacts touches and fits most of smartphones and tablets
Inferno galaxy — beautiful wall-paper which represent huge explosion in space. The huge fiery cloud constantly changes the form and sizes, becoming dazzling bright or hardly shining.
City of memory - everybody has his favourite city, the landscapes of which remind about pleasant or sad events of life. These live wallpapers will be a wonderful decoration of your screen.
Halo - wonderful live wallpapers with halo effect. You can choose one of 6 effects, select colors to make your wallpapers absolutely unique. Low power consumption will also please you.
A ridiculous birdie will lodge on your screen if you install live wall-paper Little sparrow. It is possible to change weather, a season and to dress amusing hats on the pet.
Mushrooms - live wallpapers for those who likes gathering mushrooms but doesn't always have chance to go to the forest. The application has awesome collection of high quality pictures completed with sparkling elements.
Quantum cloud - 3D live wallpaper with a dynamic cloud. You can choose the element size, its location, transparency, thickness and background color. The application is compatible with most of devices.