Looking for free Android live wallpapers? Don't want to spend more money buying full versions? We can help you! At Mob.org you can find thousands of new live wallpapers. Apk files are very easy to install, just a few seconds and you will enjoy your new beautiful screensaver. All content is ordered in categories: adult, girls, animals, movies and many more. Just select model of your tablet or phone in the right panel, and our system will select you the most appropriate files. If you are searching live wallpapers for Android tablet, it will be more convenient to sort files by OS version. And remember, totally free mobile content is only at Mob.org!
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Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 25
Ocean by Creative Factory Wallpapers - refreshing live wallpapers with endless waters of the ocean. Enjoy incredible peace watching slow waves of the ocean. Set these wallpapers and make your device even more attractive.
Views: 8 817
Popularity: 738
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 8
Sunny weather clock - sunny mood clock on the screen of your devices. High quality pictures, wide range of backgrounds, low energy consumption are the advantages of this personalization application.
Views: 9 231
Popularity: 737
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 13
River by Pawel Grabowski - incredible live wallpapers with a beautiful mountain river surrounded by a forest. Stay alone with nature and discover an incredible wild world of mountains, endless green forests and white water rivers.
Views: 5 890
Popularity: 735
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 21
Clock: real time - minimalistic style live wallpapers with beautiful analogue clock. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device and get exact time no matter where you are.
Views: 7 432
Popularity: 735
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 3
Soft color - colorful abstract live wallpapers for the screen of your smartphone or tablet. The application has simple and handy settings, energy saving mode and flowing animation.
Views: 7 703
Popularity: 734
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 19
Earth by Latest Live Wallpapers - incredible views of the Earth from space with beautiful animation effects. Plunge into the romantic atmosphere of the universe where you can choose the shining sun during the day and the satellite of the Earth at night.
Views: 12 632
Popularity: 734
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 28
Valentines Day diamonds - stylish live wallpapers with diamonds to St. Valentine's Day. Prepare for the holiday, decorate the screen of your device with beautiful animated wallpapers with the effects of water drops, steamed glass and falling hearts and diamonds.
Views: 11 406
Popularity: 734
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 6
Cool monkey - funny live wallpapers with a funny monkey. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device and watch monkey's behavior. The monkey will dance, clap hands and make funny faces.
Views: 5 413
Popularity: 733
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 2
SwampWater - - wall-paper which will create the world under a microscope. Monocelled creations run somewhere, move with a high speed. You can choose some colors, in which the picture will be.
Views: 6 875
Popularity: 730
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 21
Best landscapes - beautiful live wallpapers with mountain landscapes. Decorate your phone with beautiful views on mountain valleys, rivers, lakes, fields with frowers and green forests. Enjoy the nature beauty wherever you are.
Views: 9 015
Popularity: 730
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 36
Owl by MISVI Apps for Your Phone - cute wallpapers for the screen of your device with nice pictures of owls of different kinds. Set these beautiful and funny wallpapers to create individual look for your device.
Views: 8 783
Popularity: 729
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 18
Galaxy stars - wonderful live wallpapers with incredibly beautiful space views. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallapers and have a journey across the galaxy. Visit its brightest and most remote corners.
Views: 5 572
Popularity: 725
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