Here you can download best Vector live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Vector live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Live wall-paper Panoramic screen displays a panoramic picture. It is possible to establish ready drawing or a photo from the gallery.
Wild animal - awesome live wallpapers with the shadows of wild animals on the background of beautiful landscapes. The application is compatible with many smartphones and tablets and is energy saving.
Vector: Parallax - fantastic neon abstraction with parallax effect. Live wallpapers react the position of the device, have different settings and are energy saving.
Nyan cat - funny live wallpapers with Nyan cat for the screen of your gadget. The application is energy saving, has flowing animation and is compatible with many devices.
A nice kitten is displayed on live wall-paper Yang the cat. It can sleep, mew and put on different caps.
Mountain nature HD - incredibly beautiful high quality live wallpapers with unbelievable mountain landscapes. Feel like on a blooming meadow at the mountain foot or on the top with a breathtaking view of forests, lakes and mountain peaks.
Love and heart - live wallpapers will tell you a story of true and pure love between a young man and a girl. When people sincerely love each other a real magic happens.
Panda by Live wallpapers 3D - this cute panda will cause many smiles on your face and your friends' faces! Live wallpapers are touch sensistive, have many settings and are energy saving.
Cute kitty - live wallpapers for those who dreams of having a furry pet but has no chance to do that. This cute kitten will live on the screen of your desktop, pur and watch your actions.
Cat clock - a funny cat with a clock face on his belly will decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have different settings, flowing animation and energy saving mode.
Hearts of love - wonderful wallpapers with bright pictures and charming animation! Wide range of different pictures and energy saving mode. Make your device a unique one together with these wallpapers.
Flowers and butterflies - beautiful live wallpapers with daisies and butterflies. The application has flowing animation, is energy saving and compatible with many devices.