Here you can download best Interactive live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Interactive live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
New Year fireworks 2016 - celebrate this New Year with beautiful fireworks! Live wallpapers have many settings, are energy saving and are compatible with most of devices.
Live wall-paper Gyrospace 3D shows types of various planets in space. It is possible to move the camera by means of a gyroscope sensor.
Tech neon glass ball - set beautiful and stylish live wallpapers with a neon ball. Various animated effects in the form of glowing lights and bubbles at touching the screen make this application very realistic and funny.
Live wall-paper Real space 3D opens the view of space station, being in a planet orbit. It is possible to change a foreshortening and to choose various planets.
Winter night by Blackbird wallpapers - beautiful 3D snowflakes will dance on the background of magic night landscapes. Live wallpapers are touch sensitive and are compatible with many devices.
On live wall-paper Impossible reality 3D we see figures of little men moving on absolutely impossible ladders. It is possible to set cameras of the review and color of figures.
My water - innovative live wallpapers which reflect the battery charge as water level on your display. The application reacts the touches and changes while inclining the device.
Deer and nature 3D - relaxing live wallpapers, which will take you to a wonderful wood with deer, hares, squirrels and birds. Enjoy the beauty of the wild green wood, meet its inhabitants, walking peacefully on the shore of a beautiufl lake.
Earth 3D by Live Wallpapers HD - incredible live wallpapers with 3D image of our planet. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device and enjoy view of the Earth from space and watch change of day and night.
Neon flowers by Next Live Wallpapers - wallpapers made of high quality pictures and really flowing animation. Very realistic flight of bubbles on the screen of your smartphone will give you lots of pleasure.
Orchids - a set of HD photos of orchids with beautiful effect of drops and live water. Besides this wall-paper has animated sparks. Slide on the screen and take pleasure with a fine view.
Familiars - mysterious animals living in a wonderful fairy tale world. They are very active during the day time and sleep at night. You can watch their life and interact with them.