Here you can download best Interactive live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Interactive live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Please, specify your device, and we will select compatible live wallpapers.
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Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 36
Discus 3D - beautiful live wallpapers with bright colorful discus aquarium fishes. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device and watch relaxing swimming of fishes surrounded by beautiful animation.
Views: 12 546
Popularity: 1 951
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 25
Sakura by luyulin - beautiful live wallpapers with blooming sakura trees. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, walk across the Japanese cherry trees garden and have a rest from daily routines and rush.
Views: 6 026
Popularity: 587
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 30
Daisies HQ - bright live wallpapers with colorful summer daisies. Set these bright and tender flowers to your device to cheer up. They will bring joy and positive emotions to your life.
Views: 10 992
Popularity: 1 281
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 29
Christmas cat by live wallpaper HongKong - festive live wallpapers with charming cats and falling snowflakes. Decorate the screen with these cute winter cats, cheer up and feel coming of holidays.
Views: 5 378
Popularity: 495
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 51
Puppy by Best Live Wallpapers Free - funny live wallpapers with really cute little puppies. Set these wallpapers to your device and get many positive emotions brought by these puppies every day.
Views: 10 254
Popularity: 869
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 20
Christmas snow by Live wallpaper HD - beautiful Christmas live wallpapers with cute snowmen and decorated Christmas trees. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, plunge into the atmosphere of winter holidays and enjoy snowy winter.
Views: 5 030
Popularity: 443
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 19
Cat HD by TeamStoS - positive live wallpapers with little and grown-up funny cats. Set these wallpapers with cute and charming pets and cheer up yourself and your friends.
Views: 3 467
Popularity: 199
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 32
Star flight - spectacular live wallpapers with flying stars and meteorites. The application is touch sensitive, has sound effects and can be installed to most of smartphones and tablet PCs.
Views: 25 228
Popularity: 2 981
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 29
Neon flowers by Art LWP - beautiful neon wallpapers with colorful sparkling flowers and animation effects. Set these bright and stylish wallpapers to the screen of your device and make it unique.
Views: 7 549
Popularity: 379
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 39
Flowers by Ultimate Live Wallpapers PRO - tender live wallpapers with beautiful flowers. Decorate your device with these wallpapers and feel what it's like to be in a summer garden surrounded by many bright flowers and magic smells.
Views: 17 240
Popularity: 1 695
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 55
Deer and nature 3D - relaxing live wallpapers, which will take you to a wonderful wood with deer, hares, squirrels and birds. Enjoy the beauty of the wild green wood, meet its inhabitants, walking peacefully on the shore of a beautiufl lake.
Views: 19 498
Popularity: 3 094
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 36
Jellyfish 3D by Womcd - original live wallpapers with glowing colorful jellyfish. Decorate the screen of your device with these merry positive wallpapers and give yourself and your friends good mood.
Views: 10 050
Popularity: 1 226
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