Here you can download best Interactive live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Interactive live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Fire dragon by Amazing Live Wallpaperss - fantastic live wallpapers with fire breathing dragons. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, feel power, might and incredible beauty of mythic animals.
Fire by 4k Wallpapers - fantastic live wallpapers with fire images of animals, bikes and cars. Set these fire wallpapers to your screen and create a bright, stylish and unique look for your device.
Chubby penguin - a little penguin will now live on the screen of your smartphone or tablet PC. He will surely give you his charming smile and good mood for the whole day!
Sneaky Cat - a funny cat hiding outside the borders of your screen. He pops up from random places with charming eyes and smiles when you notice him.
Dancing cat - funny live wallpapers with cute dancing cats and beautiful animation. Set these wallpapers and dance together with charming pets which will give you lots of positive emotions.
Live lightning storm - incredible live wallpapers with fantastic images of storm, tornado and thunderstorm. Set these wallpapers to your device and feel what it's like to be a king of environment. Animated effects will let you feel the reality of the happening things.
Crystals - beautiful live wallpapers with abstract background pictures. The application has stunning effect of a water surface, has smooth animation and handy settings.
Cute cupcakes - sweet and tasty cupcakes on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have flowing animation, simple and handy settings and energy saving mode.
Juicy by PanSoft - with these wallpapers it is easy to imagine that your smartphone is a beautiful glass full of delicious drink with cubes of ice and slices of juicy fruits and berries.
Talking cat: Dances and purrs - cute and merry live wallpapers with a furry speaking and purring cat. Please yourself with merry and interesting wallpapers which will surely cheer you up and come to taste of your friends.
Cute by EvlcmApp - interesting live wallpapers with cartoon moving pictures. Put your mind to positive and set these wallpapers. Have a good mood for the whole day and bring kindness and joy to your life.
Red panda - awesome live wallpapers with red panda. This cute animal eats bamboo, has red and brown fur, long furry tail, short front paws and a funny walk.