Here you can download best Holidays live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Holidays live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Halloween: Spider - live wallpapers with a funny spider for Helloween. This cute creature will make a cobweb exactly on the screen of your desktop and will be carefully watching each move of yours.
New Year 2016 - live wallpapers will give you bright firework, fluffy snow, decorated Christmas tree with sparkling lights, bright presents and the symbol of the coming year - playful fire monkey.
Snowfall 2015 - festive live wallpapers with breathtaking effects and beautiful winter landscapes. The application responses touches and changes depending on the time of the day.
Winter holidays 2015 - stunning live wallpapers with beautiful winter landscapes. The application has smooth animation, sound effects, it reacts touches and is energy saving.
Winter night - beautiful live wallpapers with falling 3D snowflakes. The application has water surface effect and offers a wonderful collection of festive background pictures.
With live wall-paper Snow stars you will enjoy slow dance of snowflakes on different festive backgrounds.
Download free live wallpapers.
Snowman by Dream World HD Live Wallpapers - merry winter live wallpapers with fairy tale snowmen and falling snow. Create a cozy atmosphere and enjoy snowy weather brought by New Year holidays.
Christmas HD by Amax lwps - magic live wallpapers with frozen glass, water surface effects and falling snowflakes. Feel the atmosphere of winter holidays.
Snowman - is a collection of animated live wallpapers with snowmen. Playful snowflakes and winking lights will help to feel winter mood. The application has horizontal scrolling as well.
Easter by My cute apps - decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet with charming festive live wallpapers. The application has different settings and energy saving mode.
Christmas night - enjoy wonderful Christmas pictures. Live wallpapers have floating animation, simple settings and are compatible with most of smartphones and tablets.
With wall-paper Scary cemetery you will open for yourselves a terrible cemetery which teems with strange and fantastic beings: black cats, witches, vampires, skeletons and others.