Here you can download best Space live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Space live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Moto maxx - is a mix of various high quality pictures with flowing animation. Beautiful abstrract pictures and views of space will enchant you with their unique nature and beauty. Wide range of backgrounds.
Earth: Asteroid Belt - is an unusual asteroid belt which occured around the planet Earth. You can see huge stones as well as space dust.
Universe 3D - beautiful view of open space. You can see huge planets and space stations. Really fast starships will fly from time to time.
Starlight 3D - awesome 3D live wallpapers with beautiful constellations. The application is touch sensitive, has several themes and energy saving mode.
Space world - world existing faraway from us, attracting with its wonderful views and mysterious atmosphere. Who knows how it really looks like? It is up to you to decide how the faraway planet looks like!
Earth HD free edition - fascinating live wallpapers with the view of our planet from space. Enjoy a beautiful theme with HD textures and animated effects represented by flecks on the ocean surface, detalization settings, speed of the Earth rotation and different view angles.
With Stars by BlackBird wallpapers enjoy how neon stars, falling, scatter on myriads of sparks. Install this live wall-paper with falling stars and give your phone a new fascinating look.
Asteroids by LWP World - spase live wallpapers with photos of asteroid fields. Have an amazing journey to the farthest corners of the galaxy, where hundreds of thousands of fragments of celestial bodies move around the suns, periodically colliding with planets.
Meteor shower by Live wallpapers free - the most wonderful natural phenomenon on the screen of your smartphone or device. Live wallpapers have different settings and are compatible with most of devices.
Star сlusters 3D - incredible live wallpapers with sparkling stars. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, plunge into a mysterious world of stars and have an unforgettable journey across the galaxy.
Galaxy nebula - stunning and spectacular live wallpapers for your smartphone or tablet PC. Enjoy endless space and beauty of the sparkling stars.
Galaxies Exploration - get your own space system. Turn planets, fly through the constellations or plunge into endless space.