Here you can download best Space live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Space live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Space - endless and really mysterious space. Watch giant planets and falling stars. Discover all mysteries of our huge galaxy.
Galaxy 3D - you have a chance to craft your own live space with incredible animation and sound effects in your device. You can choose among 17 planets and many beautiful real scenes.
Andromeda Journey - fast space ship scans endless space. Brave astronauts look for new planets which will perfectly match the colonization.
Download free live wallpapers.
Night sky by BlackBird Wallpapers - fantasy live wallpapers with beautiful stars on the background of the night sky. Watch the meteorite shower and change of clouds color on the screen of your device.
Space galaxy 3D - decorate your device with live wallpapers having a designer's set of space galaxy style elements. Bright hologram combined with exact weather forecast and clock will make the screen of your device stylish and practical.
Pixel Fleet - your personal pixel space. The strongest fractions came from different stellar systems to start the war. Huge amount of ships will participate in an endless battle.
Solar system - beautiful space live wallpapers with views of the Solar system. Explore planets of our system with a unique chance to make the planet maximum close or change the camera angle.
Aries phantom - fantastic live wallpapers which will take you to a mysterious magic world. Those who like horoscopes and astrology will surely like this application.
Galaxy light - incredible light coming from the very core of the galaxy. You can move the camera closer or farther and select among several colors. The wallpaper is energy saving.
Borg sci-fi - for those who like space and science fiction. Aliens do exist! They come from a faraway planet directly to the screen of your device. A huge ship is flying around Earth.
Dream night - displays weakening night scene with a pensive blue shade, with falling stars and a tree in the foreground. In the sky there’s a pack of birds which can be banished.
Galaxy by Wasabi - beautiful different colors galaxy view in open space. You can change color, speed and other parameters of live wallpapers. Low power consumption allows you not to worry about battery charge level.