Here you can download best Interactive live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Interactive live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Please, specify your device, and we will select compatible live wallpapers.
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Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 4
Christmas dream - magic live wallpapers which will surely bring festive mood and merry atmosphere. The application offers smooth animation and is energy saving.
Views: 7 646
Popularity: 821
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 7
Winter sunset - stunning animated landscapes now in your smartphone or tablet PC. Enjoy the beauty of the picturesque nature in the coldest season.
Views: 10 392
Popularity: 1 511
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 8
Nice Christmas - these cute live wallpapers have a beautiful collection of festive images of the symbol of the coming year. The application has various effects and smooth animation.
Views: 9 224
Popularity: 1 071
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 21
Eagle - wonderful live wallpapers with the pictures of the strongest and the most beautiful birds. The application has a collection of pictures of eagles which have spectacular animation and interactive function.
Views: 25 963
Popularity: 3 874
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 27
Plasma - your screen will shine with all the variety of colors just like a plasma lamp. These fantastic live wallpapers will bring variety into your every day life and will surely give you good mood for the rest of the day!
Views: 17 705
Popularity: 3 745
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 8
Luma - abstract live wallpapers with sparkling elements. The application has an interactive function, is energy saving, has smooth animation and handy settings.
Views: 13 607
Popularity: 2 897
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 12
Watching corn - funny and playful corn will watch all your moves. You can also put on a Christmas hat before holidays. Give yourself some festive mood!
Views: 11 814
Popularity: 1 991
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 15
Fluffy hearts - cute fluffy hearts for the screen of your gadget. They remind soft pillows which will give you warm and cozy atmosphere. Install these wonderful live wallpapers to your device!
Views: 16 333
Popularity: 2 606
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 25
Mafia: Anime - stunning live wallpapers with the characters of Japanese cartoons. The wallpapers inmitate cracked screen. The application has sound effects, spectacular animation and different settings.
Views: 29 790
Popularity: 4 612
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 18
Winter cat - get a cute kitten at your desktop and he will surely give you merry and festive mood. The application reacts touches and has many different settings.
Views: 18 127
Popularity: 2 954
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 6
Winter holidays 2015 - stunning live wallpapers with beautiful winter landscapes. The application has smooth animation, sound effects, it reacts touches and is energy saving.
Views: 11 095
Popularity: 1 560
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 17
Crocodile eyes - from now on the crocodile will watch your moves from the screen! Live wallpapers have realistic animation, is energy saving and can be installed to most devices.
Views: 17 153
Popularity: 2 670
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