Here you can download best Background live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Background live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Transmutation - spectacular live wallpapers will decorate the desktop of your device. Real magic will take place on the screen. The application has energy saving mode and floating animation.
Neuron - awesome live wallpapers with many neurons will decorate your desktop. The application has flowing animation, is compatible with many devices and has energy saving mode.
Water galaxy - light and tender live wallpapers with beautiful water effects and animation. Feel what its like to be a lord of water, when it responses your touches and obeys your wishes.
Diamonds by Amax LWPS - these wonderful live wallpapers will become the most stylish decoration of your device. Plunge into a rich world of beauty and elegance, glamour and light.
Sailboat - stunning live wallpapers with a lonely sailboat on the background of a romantic sunset. The application has smooth animation, handy settings and fits most of devices.
Patterns - awesome patterns which will decorate the desktop of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have parallax effect, flowing animation, sparkling elements and handy settings.
Twisted colors - dynamic wallpapers represented by movement of colored drops smoothly changing their color. Set these hypnotising wallpapers and enjoy incredible changes on the home screen of your device.
Light and shadow - wondeful abstract live wallpapers will demonstrate the play of light and shadow. The application has energy saving mode, simple settings and is compatible with most of devices.
Black by Cute Live Wallpapers And Backgrounds - stylish live wallpapers with animals and objects on the black background. Decorate your smartphone or tablet with original live wallpapers created especially for those who like dark colors.
Pink silk - stylish pink live wallpapers for romantic girls. Make your device look elegant and luxurious, select unique design with the help of functional features of the application.
Frozen glass by Frisky lab - decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet with frosty live wallpapers! The application offers an awesome collection of pictures completed with animated snowflakes.
Mathematics - interesting live wallpapers with mathematic formulae and their elements for those who love maths and exact sciences. Set these wallpapers to your device, load your videos and create a unique and incredible look for your smartphone.