Here you can download best Interactive live wallpapers. Android live wallpapers become more popular day after day and new developers appear which make really beautiful screensavers. All content is totally free! Any mobile livewallpaper can be included into several sections and have several features. Best Interactive live wallpapers for Android phones and tablets are added daily to our collection.
Autumn streets - awesome live wallpapers with autumn landscapes. The application reacts touches, has energy saving mode, sound effects and smooth animation.
Blooming trees - beautiful live wallpapers with interactive effects of water surface, steam glass and many others. Feel the spring mood and enjoy blooming trees.
Far galaxies are displayed on live wall-paper Deep galaxies HD deluxe. Wall-paper reacts to a gyroscope. There is a wide choice of galaxies and settings.
Sunset Hill - live wall-paper with an impressive sunset, silhouettes of birds and animals, and also slowly floating clouds. Your screen will get a fine form which can admire infinitely.
Butterfly locksreen - live wall-paper which gives a chance to take pleasure in the beautiful and weakening landscape on the blocking screen. Flying butterflies and blinking glowworms will change your screen.
Spring landscapes - live wallpapers with a wonderful collection of spring landscapes. The application is completed with the effects of steamed glass, rain drops and others. Enjoy the beauty of the spring nature!
Friut - funny live wallpapers with juicy fruits floating inside the bubbles and you can burst them! The application offers several themes, simple settings and energy saving mode.
Solar system - beautiful space live wallpapers with views of the Solar system. Explore planets of our system with a unique chance to make the planet maximum close or change the camera angle.
Crazy dog - funny live wallpapers with a cute dog which will react your touches to the screen. Swipe the screen and you will see a nice and charming dog in front of you. However, in case you tap the screen this can make the dog really angry.
Time - awesome live wallpapers with analog clock and unique design. The application is completed with sparkling elements, flowing animation, has several themes and very handy settings.
Farm tractor 3D - live wallpapers with an awesome collection of farmer tractors and endless farming lands. The application is compatible with most of devices.
Cactus flowers - wonderful cacti will break into flowers directly on the screen of your device! Live wallpapers are completed with beautiful animation, have simple settings and energy saving mode.