Here you can find free Animals live wallpapers for Android 3.0.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Kittens by Ultimate Live Wallpapers PRO - cute little kittens will become a nice decoartion of your device. Select a pet among many available breeds and colors and turn him into your companion.
Spring: Kitten - cute live wallpapers with a kitten in flowers. The application is completed with flowing bubbles, dandellion seeds and many other things. Give yourself good mood for the whole day!
Cute panda - awesome collection of pictures of cute pandas. The application is wonderfully completed with water serface effect, animated bubbles, green leaves and many other things.
New Year 2015 - funny live wallpapers with a symbol of the coming holiday. A cute sheep will live on your desktop and congratulate you on New Year! Give yourself some festive mood!
Blicky: Pets - funny live wallpapers with cute pets, who will watch your actions on the screen and tilts of the device. Set this application to your device and give yourself positive emotions.
Dinosaur by live wallpaper HongKong - fantastic live wallpapers with real furious dinosaurs. Set these wallpapers and make an exciting journey back in time, when our planet was inhabited by huge dinosaurs.
Fluffy Sushi - really cute and pretty kitten whose name is Sushi will cheer you up every day. This kitten likes to sing, to play, to sleep, to dress in a smart way for different holidays and seasons. Of course he will not let you feel bored.
Cute tiger cub - nice and cute tiger cub will cause your smile and will make your friends smile too. Live wallpapers are completed with bubbles which will burst when you touch them. It also is completed with sparkling elements.
Cute dragon - cute and kind dragon will watch every move of yours! Live wallpapers are beautifully completed with animated bubbles, dandelions and beautiful camomiles.
Peacocks - charming live wallpapers with graceful and beautiful birds. Decorate your screen with the pictures of peacocks and enjoy beautiful animation of sparkling stars and flying butterflies.
Talking parrot - beautiful live wallpapers with smart and bright tropic birds, parrots. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device, watch the funny behavior of parrots in the natural environment.
Download free live wallpapers.
Butterflies by Fantastic Live Wallpapers - fantastic live wallpapers with butterflies will become a cute addition to your device. Have rest from daily routines looking at fairy tale butterflies with beautiful animation effects.