Here you can find free Animals live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Panda by Live wallpapers 3D - this cute panda will cause many smiles on your face and your friends' faces! Live wallpapers are touch sensistive, have many settings and are energy saving.
Cat - in case you have a cat at home or you just like these furry pets then you will surely like these cute live wallpapers. Funny cats and kittens will decorate the screen of your device.
Dolphin 3D - beautiful and friendly dolphins! The best pictures of dolphins and glowing fires animation will become a necessary element and wonderful decoration for your devices.
Dolphin - amazing live wallpapers give you a chance to watch playful dolphins. The application offers a collection of beautiful images and has smooth animation with different settings.
Live wall-paper Horses for dreamers of tremendous images of horses. Majestic black stallion with a flowing mane and a tail or gold as a fine flame, can appear in your phone.
Cute animals by Live wallpapers 3D - awesome live wallpapers with cute animals. The application offers a collection of high quality theme pictures completed with different effects.
Howling space - wolf calling his brothers on the background of a beautiful sky. Nice saturated colors, different colors of background available, original performance, low power consumption.
Forest panther - graceful black panther on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers offer floating animation, have handy settings and are energy saving.
Cheetah - very beautiful live wallpapers depicting cheetah. The application has a collection of high quality theme pictures completed with smooth animals and parallax effect.
Snakes by Fun live wallpapers - various kinds of snakes on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have simple settings, flowing animation and are energy saving.
Cute foxy - live wallpapers with a little cute fox, animated bubbles which burst when you tap them and flying seeds of dandelions. The application has handy settings.
Puppies - wonderful wallpapers for real devotee of animals. Little and very cute puppies will make you smile. Select a beautiful background for your pet and enjoy pleasant moments.