Here you can find free Animals live wallpapers for Android 4.4.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Spiky bloody king wolf - is a scary theme with live wallpapers showing a huge and furious wolf with burning eyes. Renew the look of your device if you like wild lonely wolves and want to make your device look exclusive.
Cat by Art LWP - really cute wallpapers with charming cats for the screen of your device. Aim for positive thinking and good mood just looking at the screen of your smartphone or a tablet. These funny furry pets will not leave you cold.
Rainforest 3D - enjoy incredible world of wild nature of a tropical island on the screen of your device. Go along paths nobody walked along so far, observe high cypress and clean lakes and meet flying parrots, elephants, drinking water and many other inhabitants of the forest.
Frosty the kitten - make friends with a cute and soft kitten. This furry pet will have a sweet sleep on your desktop. The application is energy saving and offers handy settings.
Grumpy Boo - little grumpy Boo will live on your desktop. But as soon as you touch the screen it will give you his charming smile. Bring this fairy creature a little joy!
Horses by Pro Live Wallpapers - wonderful high quality live wallpapers with beautiful pictures of horses. Set these wallpapers to your device and elegant and graceful animals will surely give you good mood every day.
Peacock feather - peacock tail is an object of pride which underlines the unique nature of the bird. Decorate the desktop of your smartphone or tablet PC with these bright and colorful feathers.
Planet Zoo - visit an incredible planet of animals, where you will surely meet a furious bear, a predatory tiger, Indian elephants and funny penguins. Enjoy life of wild representatives of fauna every day.
Christmas cat by KKPICTURE - festive live wallpapers with cute kittens wearing Christmas hats. Create a cozy festive atmosphere with funny pets ready to give you their love and warmth every day.
Wolf by Wallpaper qHD - stylish live wallpapers with severe and furious inhbitants of the forest - wolves. Make your device stylish and unique and watch wolves living in thick green forests.
Butterfly by Free Wallpapers and Backgrounds - watch flickering flight of incredible butterflies. Set these wallapers and give your soul a piece of warm summer with colorful butterflies flattering on the background of blue sky.
Dog - cute live wallpapers with little funny puppies and grown up friendly dogs. Set these positive and cute live wallpapers to your smartphone or tablet and make your life brighter and more joyful.