Here you can find free Animals live wallpapers for Android 4.4. Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Cat - in case you have a cat at home or you just like these furry pets then you will surely like these cute live wallpapers. Funny cats and kittens will decorate the screen of your device.
Black panther - big wild cats on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Black panthers charm with their grace, strength and breathtaking beauty. Live wallpapers have energy saving mode.
Easter bunny - this funny Easter bunny will move his ears and laugh when you tickle him. Take this playful and funny creature to the desktop of your smartphone or tablet PC.
X-mas cat - live wallpapers with nice and playful pets. All images are high quality and also have animated snow. The application is energy saving.
Download free live wallpapers.
Pink butterfly by Live Wallpaper Workshop - beautiful live wallpapers with butterflies and flowers in pink colors. Set these wallpapers to your device and feel what it's like to be in a beautiful garden surrounded by scented flowers and pretty butterflies.
Picturesque nature - beautiful live wallapapers with slowly falling yellow leaves. Walk across the autumn park, where leaves make a colorful carpet and shuffle, feed alert paruses and enjoy the blue autumn sky.
Kittens by Wallpaper qHD - beautiful live wallpapers with very cute little kittens. Get a funny pet on the screen of your device. It will follow you everywhere and bring you only good emotions.
Horse - beautiful wallpapers with pictures of horses for the screen of your device. Enjoy power and grace of these beautiful animals on the background of nature or a farm, having set these wallpapers to your phone or tablet.
Download free live wallpapers.
Fireflies 3D by Live Wallpaper HD 3D - magic live wallpapers with a mysterious forest full of small moving lights - fireflies. Set these wallpapers and feel the magic and beauty of the nature when walking across the magic forest.
Cute cat by Live Wallpapers 3D - nice live wallpapers with a really cute smiling kitten and animated 3D effects. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device, tell your friends and beloved about your feelings and joyful emotions.
Shark aquarium - incredible live wallpapers with predatory inhabitants of the deep water. Set these unusual wallpapers to the screen of your device, watch behavior and life of predatory fish in a big aquarium.
Horses by Dream World HD Live Wallpapers - charming live wallpapers with beautiful wild horses. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your device and enjoy wild and strong horses running fast.