Here you can find free Animals live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Peacock feather - peacock tail is an object of pride which underlines the unique nature of the bird. Decorate the desktop of your smartphone or tablet PC with these bright and colorful feathers.
Shiny butterfly - beautiful animated butterflies for your smartphone or tablet PC. Live wallpapers have several themes, simple settings and are energy saving.
Wolf spirit - set live wallpapers with a wild and furious wolf, who defends his pack from enemeis and is ready to fight any moment. The application has animated snowfall and blue fire, which make the wolf even more severe and realistic.
Swans by SweetMood - beautiful live wallpapers with cute swans in love. Set this application to your device to watch incredible beauty and these beautiful birds gracefully swimming in the lake.
Download free live wallpapers.
Beautiful summer by BlackBird Wallpapers - incredible live wallpapers with beautiful summer landscapes. Enjoy warmth of a sunny summer day, bright butterflies and bright colors on the screen of your device.
Download free live wallpapers.
Christmas cat by live wallpaper HongKong - festive live wallpapers with charming cats and falling snowflakes. Decorate the screen with these cute winter cats, cheer up and feel coming of holidays.
Cat by KKPICTURE - cute live wallpapers with beautiful small cats. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, surround yourself with cute pets and create coziness in your soul.
Husky by SweetMood - nice live wallpapers with beautiful Husky dogs and funny animation. Decorate the screen of your device with these kind wallpapers, which will bring you a lot of positive emotions.
Peacock by AdSoftech - wonderful exotic birds to decorate the screen of your device. Select the most beautiful among them, set up wallpaper and admire your personal royal bird.
Snakes by Fun live wallpapers - various kinds of snakes on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have simple settings, flowing animation and are energy saving.
Little tiger - cute and funny little tigers on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. The application is energy saving, has floating animation and simple settings.
Autumn by Blackbird wallpapers - awesome live wallpapers will demonstrate the beauty of the autumn nature. The application has effects of steamed glass, water surface, raindrops and others.