Here you can find free Plants live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Sakura by DIVARC GROUP - a beautiful tree which stands for soul innocence, prosperity, womanhood and life itself. Set up these wallpapers and get a piece of warm and tender spring.
Grass - decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet PC with fresh grass. Live wallpapers will change depending on the time of the day and energy saving mode will save the battery charge.
Beautiful lotus - Stunning live wallpapers with unique lotus flowers. The application reacts touches, has beautiful animation and fits most of smartphones or tablet PCs.
Rainstorm - unbelievably beautiful green leaves under the rain. Live wallpapers will give you the feeling of jungles when it starts raining after exhausting heat. The application is compatible with most of devices.
Spring buds - spring tree buds in the rays of tender sun. Feel warmth and spring mood any season. Live wallpapers have flaoting animation and energy saving mode.
Autumn flowers - enjoy unbelievable beauty of autumn flowers and plants. Live wallpapers have interactive function, are energy saving and have simple settings.
Eye of life - it seems that the whole life is in a glass ball! Touch the screen and you will see a tail of shining elements. Live wallpapers are compatible with most of smartphones and tablets.
Panda by Live wallpapers 3D - this cute panda will cause many smiles on your face and your friends' faces! Live wallpapers are touch sensistive, have many settings and are energy saving.
Butterflies by Wizzhard - charming butterflies will fly around flowers and plants. Live wallpapers have simple settings, energy saving mode and landscape mode.
Spring nature - these wonderful live wallpapers will give you beautiful spring landscapes. The application has interactive effects of water surface, steamed glass and animated raindrops.
Pink lotus - beautiful and elegant live wallpapers with pink lotuses. The application has flowing animation, simple settings and is energy saving.
Tree of love - let even the screen of smartphone or tablet PC reminds you about your beloved one. Unique live wallpapers have many settings and effects as well as beautiful bright graphics.