Here you can find free Plants live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Fantasy sakura - beautiful live wallpapers with a collection of awesome pictures of fantasy style sakura. The application has flowing animation, is touch sensitive and has energy saving mode.
Autumn mushrooms - is a beautiful collection of autumn mushrooms pictures. The application is completed with animated rain, falling leaves and other effects. It fits most of devices.
Gentle flowers - decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet PC with beautiful lilies, roses, camomilles, tulips, dandelions and enjoy these breathtaking pictures every day!
Colorful ball - is a tender and beautiful theme with a bright ball and a plant inside. Decorate your device with new cute wallpapers having a beautiful set of icons matching the style of the background picture, weather forecats and clock.
Tropical by BlackBird Wallpapers - tropic live wallpapers with beautiful southern landscapes, sand beaches and exotic plants. Give yourself a chance to walk along the deserted beaches and enjoy beautiful views of wild nature.
Winter tree - bright original festive live wallpapers with a colorful shining Christmas tree. Change a winter tree color to your liking and make a unique design for your device expecting for New Year.
Eye of life - it seems that the whole life is in a glass ball! Touch the screen and you will see a tail of shining elements. Live wallpapers are compatible with most of smartphones and tablets.
Hand painted - very tender and romantic live wallpapers with wash drawings. The application offers awesome collection of high quality pictures.
Summer garden - bright and rich colors of summer garden will decorate your desktop. The application has high quality animation and can be set to most smartphones or tablet PCs.
Christmas tree by Pro LWP - festive live wallpapers with decorated Christmas tree and New Year music. Give yourself New Year mood and festive mood for the whole winter by means of setting these wallpapers to your device.
Download free live wallpapers.
Beautiful summer by BlackBird Wallpapers - incredible live wallpapers with beautiful summer landscapes. Enjoy warmth of a sunny summer day, bright butterflies and bright colors on the screen of your device.
Magic touch by DualApps - magic live wallpapers with a beautiful forest fairy tale, wonderful flowers and fireflies. Set these wallpapers to visit a fairy tale house in the forest, gather a bunch of beautiful flowers and have a rest from daily routines.