Here you can find free Holidays live wallpapers for Android 4.2.2 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Valentines Day by Free wallpapers and background - festive live wallpapers for your smartphone or tablet. The application offers a collection of theme pictures completed with floating animation.
Day of love - awesome live wallpapers with nice hearts. All those in love will surely like these live wallpapers. The application is completed with floating animation and consumes little energy.
Valentine's Day by Hq awesome live wallpaper - are you ready for St. Valentine's day? All those in love will like the most romantic live wallpapers which will give you the feeling of a holiday.
Christmas by Hq awesome live wallpaper - these festive live wallpapers will make the screen of your smartphone or tablet even brighter and more beautiful. Feel the magic atmosphere of Christmas!
Christmas HD by Haran - awesome live wallpapers with falling snow and beautiful background picture. The application is energy saving and is compatible with most of devices.
Christmas HD by Amax lwps - magic live wallpapers with frozen glass, water surface effects and falling snowflakes. Feel the atmosphere of winter holidays.
The 2016 - welcome the New 2016 in together with these awesome live wallpapers! The application has floating animation, simple settings and is compatible with most of devices.
New Year’s Eve - atmosphere of holiday and joy on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers offer a collection of high quality pictures completed with floating animation.
Christmas night by Jango lwp studio - bright Christmas pictures will add festive character to your device. Live wallpapers are energy saving and have floating animation.
Christmas animals - cute and funny animals hurry to congratulate you on coming holidays. Install these live wallpapers and they will bring joy, smile and good mood for the whole day.
Snowy Christmas tree HD - original and unusual Christmas tree on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Feel the festive atmosphere and provide yourself with a good mood for the whole day!
Christmas Eve by Blackbird wallpapers - these wonderful live wallpapers will help you feel the magic of winter holidays. Enjoy cozy atmosphere when it is snowy and frosty outside.