Here you can find free Holidays live wallpapers for Android 3.0.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Christmas fireplace - festive mood for your telephone or tablet PC. Beautiful live wallpaper will bring merry atmosphere and handy settings will make your desktop a unique one.
Painted Christmas - wonderful live wallpapers with beautiful graphics. The application offers different Christmas theme backgrounds decorated with beautiful animated snowflakes.
Diwali night - bright live wallpapers dedicated to the Indian fest of fire. Walk along the night Indian streets decorated with fires, lanterns and candles and enjoy the great fireworks over the roofs of the houses.
Cute Halloween - plunge into the atmosphere of a magic holiday Halloween. Spend long autumn evenings, watching pranks of a naughty kitten. He hides in pumpkin and plays with soap bubbles.
Watching corn - funny and playful corn will watch all your moves. You can also put on a Christmas hat before holidays. Give yourself some festive mood!
Snowflake - beautiful falling snowflakes are now on your desktop. Live wallpapers have background settings, are touch sensitive and energy saving.
X-mas 3D - live wallpapers with magic and fairy tale atmosphere of a holiday. Enjoy bright garlands, shining Christmas tree toys and falling snowflakes. Give yourself a festive mood!
Painted Christmas - live wallpapers with beautiful snowmen. The application offers background and falling snowflakes settings. Give yourself festive mood!
Halloween night - in this dark Halloween night you can meet the scariest ghosts, flying witches, zombies and other evil spirits. Live wallpapers are touch sensitive and have simple settings.
Snowflake 3D - wonderful falling snowflakes in the screen of your smartphone or tablet PC. Live wallpapers wonderfully match winter holidays and will give you festive mood.
In Halloween steampunkin thanks to interactive flame, fog scrolling, rotating mechanical transfers and one mad lamp this live wall-paper will be ideally suited for the holiday.
Day of love - awesome live wallpapers with nice hearts. All those in love will surely like these live wallpapers. The application is completed with floating animation and consumes little energy.