Here you can find free Weather live wallpapers for Android 5.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
With Rainy Paris you can decorate your phone with beautiful photos of sights of Paris. Enjoy effect of live water which imitates a surface of the water (effect of drops of water) against Paris.
With Rainy London you can decorate the screen with beautiful photos of sights of London. Enjoy amazing animated rain with effect of the misted-over glass or effect of live water.
City lights - fine views of the night rainy city. If you have a thoughtful mood, and you want to be alone, this wall-paper will suit you.
Lightning storm - most realistic live wall-paper which shows the real terrible thunder-storm. Bright lightnings, pouring rain, peals of a thunder and many other things on your phone.
Forest - good weakening live wall-paper with trees. Wall-paper changes according to the time of day. In settings it is possible to set different weather conditions for any mood.