Here you can find free Landscape live wallpapers for Android 4.4. Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Thunderstorm by live wallpaper HongKong - interesting live wallpapers with a thunderstorm hanging over the sea. Set these wallpapers to your device and enjoy flashes of bright lightnings, rain drops and sound of thunder.
Thunderstorm sounds - relaxing live wallpapers with the sound of thunderstorm and rain. Select a picture for the desktop of your device to your liking and enjoy calm atmosphere of falling drops or sound of thunder.
Northern lights by Amax LWPS - beautiful live wallpapers with northern lights effect, winter landscape and falling snowflakes. Enjoy the beauty of the polar night and northern lights without leaving your home, work or vehicle. Just set these wallpapers to your device and feel the presence effect.
Nature HD by Live Wallpapers Ltd. - beautiful live wallpapers combining incredible views of wild nature and animation effects. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers and adjust animation which allows you to approach, put off and turn a picture.
City - charming live wallpapers with incredible views of big cities in different time of day. Set these wallpapers and enjoy futuristic architecture of big cities and panoramic views of the city from sky.
Download free live wallpapers.
Falling leaves by Wallpapers and Backgrounds Live - autumn live wallpapers with beautiful views of wild nature and falling leaves. Enjoy warm autumn sunny days and watch beautiful falling of leaves on the lake shore.
Blue sky - beautiful live wallpapers with charming views of blue sky. Watch white clouds floating across the bright blue sky and just like in childhood recognize figures of different animals and people in them.
Waves on rocks - beautiful live wallpapers with a sea view and waves in the rocky shore. Enjoy the tidal bore and feel like at the sea shore away from the city rush, where you can dream and make plans for future.
Snowfall: Forest - magic live wallpapers with beautiful snowy landscapes of a wild nature. Set these wallpapers and have a walk across the winter forest with trees covered with snowy hats and ground covered with deep snowbanks.
Forest stream - incredibly beautiful live wallpapers with a fast stream going through the forest. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your smartphone or tablet and feel the forest coolness and freshness of the cold stream.
Forest by Cosmic Mobile Wallpapers - beautiful live wallpapers with wonderful forest landscapes. Set these wallpapers and listen to incredible sounds of nature deep in the green forest where there is no city noise and rush.
Tropical by BlackBird Wallpapers - tropic live wallpapers with beautiful southern landscapes, sand beaches and exotic plants. Give yourself a chance to walk along the deserted beaches and enjoy beautiful views of wild nature.