Here you can find free Landscape live wallpapers for Android 4.0 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Waterfall by Live wallpaper HD - beautiful live wallpapers with picturesque landscapes and incredible waterfalls. Enjoy incredible beauty of nature and feel near the noisy streams of water going down from high rocks.
Tornado - really strong hurricane which turned into a horrible tornado. Wallpapers have realistic animation. You can see lightning discharge when it starts raining.
Awesome land - unbelievably beautiful nature in different colors. Unusual color decisions, wide range of colors, high quality pictures, engrossing flowing animation are the plus points of these wallpapers.
Fantasy sakura - beautiful live wallpapers with a collection of awesome pictures of fantasy style sakura. The application has flowing animation, is touch sensitive and has energy saving mode.
Perfect sunrise - enjoy beautiful sunrises directly from the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Perfect landscapes will become a real decoration of your desktop.
Snowfall by Kittehface software - beautiful pines covered with white and light snow will decorate your desktop. The application has energy saving mode and offers floating animation.
Autumn leaves - feel the beauty of the gold autumn! Yellow, red, orange leaves will slowly float on the water surface which will reflect awesome autumn landscapes.
Beach by Amax lwps - enjoy a tropical beach, bright sun, blue sea and soft waves. The application is completed with smooth animation, interactive function and sound effects.
Woody land - mysterious and magic wood will decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet PC. Live wallpapers have wonderful parallax effect and change the theme when you double tap.
Dubai night - beautiful live wallpapers with different interactive functions. The application has many pictures and handy settings. Enjoy the landscapes of the beautiful night city!
Thunderstorm by Ultimate Live Wallpapers PRO - incredible live wallpapers with lightenings.These live wallpapers are perfect for those who like thunderstorm, now you can enjoy the storm every day on the screen of your device.
Fairy by orchid - fairy tale live wallpapers opening the door to the magic world. Visit a fairy, get to incredible castles and walk along mysterious paths of the enchanted forest with magic creatures living in.