Here you can find free Landscape live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
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Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 21
Winter snow by HD WALL MEDIA - beautiful live wallapers with a winter landscape. Decorate the screen of your device with views of a snowy winter forest with a small village and little wooden houses.
Views: 9 040
Popularity: 751
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 29
Poppy field - beautiful live wallpapers with poppy fields. Watch the movement of the sun from sunrise to sunset, watch the clouds floating and day changing night. Change the speed of wind and size of the moon and enjoy birds flying over blooming fields.
Views: 12 185
Popularity: 998
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 7
Tropical by BlackBird Wallpapers - tropic live wallpapers with beautiful southern landscapes, sand beaches and exotic plants. Give yourself a chance to walk along the deserted beaches and enjoy beautiful views of wild nature.
Views: 5 799
Popularity: 480
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 3
Paper world by Live Wallpapers 3D - incredible live wallpapers with a fairy tale land where everything is made from paper. Set these wallpapers and watch a ship, fish and clouds which will move across the screen of your device.
Views: 2 775
Popularity: 133
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 9
Beautiful night - beautiful live wallpapers with night views of large touristic cities. Walk along the main streets of the night city passing by shop-windows lit brightly and trees decorated with lights. Enjoy local sights lit with night lanterns.
Views: 3 719
Popularity: 171
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 10
Garden by SubMad Group - summer live wallpapers with a wonderful blooming garden and beautiful animated effects. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, feel warmth of the summer sun and scent of opened flowers.
Views: 5 655
Popularity: 393
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 13
Spring mountains - beautiful live wallpapers with wonderful landscapes of spring mountains. Reach the mountain top and enjoy views of green valleys, pure lakes and bright sky on the background of the setting sun.
Views: 3 929
Popularity: 271
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 10
Waves on rocks - beautiful live wallpapers with a sea view and waves in the rocky shore. Enjoy the tidal bore and feel like at the sea shore away from the city rush, where you can dream and make plans for future.
Views: 4 144
Popularity: 490
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 12
Magic by AppQueen Inc. - magic live wallpapers with an amazing fairytale world of magic and wildlife. Set these wallpapers and open the door to a kind and beautiful fairy tale, hidden in the depths of the thick forest.
Views: 4 828
Popularity: 326
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 13
Beautiful landscape - delicate features of the eastern landscape combined with flying air balloons. Enjoy the atmosphere of beauty and harmony covered with warmth of summer sun.
Views: 8 209
Popularity: 276
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 28
Sakura by DIVARC GROUP - a beautiful tree which stands for soul innocence, prosperity, womanhood and life itself. Set up these wallpapers and get a piece of warm and tender spring.
Views: 15 512
Popularity: 1 754
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 20
Moonlight 3D - beautiful night landscape on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers are energy saving, have flowing animation and compatible with many devices.
Views: 14 095
Popularity: 2 386
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