Here you can find free People live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Christmas ice rink - these magic live wallpapers will wonderfully match winter holidays. Enjoy beautiful Christmas tree, brights lights and wonderful skating rink with funny characters.
Romance - romantic live wallpapers for girls. They are filled with feelings, beauty and charm of first love with beautiful animation. Set this application to your device to enjoy wonderful feelings and warmth of summer sunset at the ocean cost.
Baby floats - incredible live wallpapers with charming babies floating together with dolphins. Set these wallapers to your device and cheer up watching funny floating babies.
Anime lovers - romantic live wallpapers with anime style lovers. Set this application to your device and give yourself and your beloved fest of love and feelings, give each other positive emotions and enjoy each moment.
Romantic - the most romantic pictures combined with tender effects of rain. Those who like romance and cute pictures will surely love these wallpapers.
Lovers night - live wallpapers for those who likes romance. Nice couples on the background of falling stars will remind about the best moments spent with someone you love. Beautiful animation and wonderful backgrounds will delight you.
Simple love - live wallpapers tell the story of simple love where there is no need in words and one glance is enough... Feel the romantic and tender atmosphere.
Military - awesome collection of high quality military theme pictures. Live wallpapers fit most of devices and are energy saving.
Jump - for those who like extreme and sharp feelings! Bright colors and breathtaking images will please everyone who likes adrenalin shake. Get ready we are going to jump now!
Bodybuilding - live wallpapers will become a good motivation in case you want to reach such wonderful results in bodybuilding! The application is compatible with most of smartphones and tablets.
Love and heart - live wallpapers will tell you a story of true and pure love between a young man and a girl. When people sincerely love each other a real magic happens.
Vampire Love - even immortal and dangerous at first sight creatures can love. Charming illustrations with beautiful couples will not live indifferent those who like beautiful stories about everlasting love.