Here you can find free People live wallpapers for Android 5.2. Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Cute baby by 4k Wallpapers - moving live wallpapers with charming small kids. Set these wallpapers in your device and feel kindness and sincerity given by a kid's smile.
Warmth - live wallpapers will show you the warmth of heart and soul in any weather. The most important thing in life is to have sencere feelings, give your love and take care of people you love.
Lavender by orchid - beautiful live wallpapers with blooming lavander fields. Decorate the screen of your device with beautiful lavander flowers and feel their tender scent brought by warm spring wind.
Snowboarding - beautiful snowy mountains. Professional snowboarders overcome obstacles at crazy speed and complete hard acrobatic stunts.
Warrior by Dream World HD Live Wallpapers - fantastic live wallpapers with brave warriors defending their worlds. Set these wallpapers and appear in the center of the battle where magic and power of swords take part in a cruel battle. Select a warrior, who will defend your device from unwelcome guests.
Mexico by Kolesov and Mikhaylov - the fans of Mexican culture will surely like wonderful plasticine landscapes. And funny Maxican will give you good mood for the rest of the day!
Party - enjoy life to the full! It is time of crazy nights, bright fires and groovy parties. Live wallpapers offer a collection of high quality theme pictures.
Freedom - live wallpapers will demonstrate freedom, confidence, will and independence. The application has a collection of motivating pictures completed with flowing animation.
About love by Lux Live Wallpapers - wonderful love and romantic relations live wallpapers. Set these wallpapers to your device, give bright and beautiful moments of love to your beloved and create a romantic mood.
Halloween: Kids photo - funny kids live wallpapers with ghosts, pumpkins and funny witches dedicated to Halloween. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers and set any photo from your gallery in the phone.