Here you can find free People live wallpapers for Android 4.0 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Trumpets - you will like these live wallpapers with trumpets if you go in for music or just like it. The application offers a collection of high quality theme pictures.
Warmth - live wallpapers will show you the warmth of heart and soul in any weather. The most important thing in life is to have sencere feelings, give your love and take care of people you love.
Freedom - live wallpapers will demonstrate freedom, confidence, will and independence. The application has a collection of motivating pictures completed with flowing animation.
Love and heart - live wallpapers will tell you a story of true and pure love between a young man and a girl. When people sincerely love each other a real magic happens.
Party - enjoy life to the full! It is time of crazy nights, bright fires and groovy parties. Live wallpapers offer a collection of high quality theme pictures.
Bodybuilding - live wallpapers will become a good motivation in case you want to reach such wonderful results in bodybuilding! The application is compatible with most of smartphones and tablets.
Military - awesome collection of high quality military theme pictures. Live wallpapers fit most of devices and are energy saving.
Simple love - live wallpapers tell the story of simple love where there is no need in words and one glance is enough... Feel the romantic and tender atmosphere.
Christmas ice rink - these magic live wallpapers will wonderfully match winter holidays. Enjoy beautiful Christmas tree, brights lights and wonderful skating rink with funny characters.
Blue love - romantic anime style live wallpapers with two in love. Enjoy a warm summer night at the ocean coast, where the moonlight colors the sky into indigo color and you can watch the stars sparkling in the sky for a long time.