Here you can find free Space live wallpapers for Android 3.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Moonlight night - beautiful space live wallpapers with stars and meteorites in the night sky. Set these wallpapers to your device and enjoy meteorite shower, sparkling stars, fireflies and floating clouds.
The Nebulander - take your space ship to interstellar journey. Operate all available modules, control the ship speed and throw resources you find onto the planet surface.
Meteor shower by Amax LWPS - incredible live wallpapers with flying meteorites on the night sky background. Enjoy magic beauty of nature with meteorites and asteroids lighting the surrounding world with a mysterious shine and flying so close to the Earth that it takes your breath away.
Morphing Galaxy - beautiful space views made of thousands of pixels. Stars are visualized in various styles, so they will move all the time while you are listening to music.
Galaxy 3D by LPlay Studio - beautiful 3D live wallpapers with incredible views of space. Select a picture to your liking and set different effects such as rotation speed, font, color and animation and create your own galaxy.
Solar system - beautiful space live wallpapers with views of the Solar system. Explore planets of our system with a unique chance to make the planet maximum close or change the camera angle.
Galaxy light - incredible light coming from the very core of the galaxy. You can move the camera closer or farther and select among several colors. The wallpaper is energy saving.
Dream night - displays weakening night scene with a pensive blue shade, with falling stars and a tree in the foreground. In the sky there’s a pack of birds which can be banished.
Universe 3D - beautiful view of open space. You can see huge planets and space stations. Really fast starships will fly from time to time.
Space world - world existing faraway from us, attracting with its wonderful views and mysterious atmosphere. Who knows how it really looks like? It is up to you to decide how the faraway planet looks like!
Earth HD free edition - fascinating live wallpapers with the view of our planet from space. Enjoy a beautiful theme with HD textures and animated effects represented by flecks on the ocean surface, detalization settings, speed of the Earth rotation and different view angles.
With Stars by BlackBird wallpapers enjoy how neon stars, falling, scatter on myriads of sparks. Install this live wall-paper with falling stars and give your phone a new fascinating look.