Here you can find free Space live wallpapers for Android 4.4.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
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Download free live wallpapers.
3D   Space   Interactive  
Votes: 59
Solar system - beautiful space live wallpapers with views of the Solar system. Explore planets of our system with a unique chance to make the planet maximum close or change the camera angle.
Views: 17 007
Popularity: 2 180
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 26
Galaxy light - incredible light coming from the very core of the galaxy. You can move the camera closer or farther and select among several colors. The wallpaper is energy saving.
Views: 13 255
Popularity: 1 178
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 46
Dream night - displays weakening night scene with a pensive blue shade, with falling stars and a tree in the foreground. In the sky there’s a pack of birds which can be banished.
Views: 19 187
Popularity: 5 167
Download free live wallpapers.
3D   Space  
Votes: 83
Universe 3D - beautiful view of open space. You can see huge planets and space stations. Really fast starships will fly from time to time.
Views: 30 304
Popularity: 5 094
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 21
Space world - world existing faraway from us, attracting with its wonderful views and mysterious atmosphere. Who knows how it really looks like? It is up to you to decide how the faraway planet looks like!
Views: 13 423
Popularity: 1 939
Download free live wallpapers.
3D   Space   Vector   Interactive  
Votes: 60
Earth HD free edition - fascinating live wallpapers with the view of our planet from space. Enjoy a beautiful theme with HD textures and animated effects represented by flecks on the ocean surface, detalization settings, speed of the Earth rotation and different view angles.
Views: 18 720
Popularity: 3 247
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 17
With Stars by BlackBird wallpapers enjoy how neon stars, falling, scatter on myriads of sparks. Install this live wall-paper with falling stars and give your phone a new fascinating look.
Views: 11 565
Popularity: 1 950
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 69
Asteroids by LWP World - spase live wallpapers with photos of asteroid fields. Have an amazing journey to the farthest corners of the galaxy, where hundreds of thousands of fragments of celestial bodies move around the suns, periodically colliding with planets.
Views: 22 146
Popularity: 4 480
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 33
Star сlusters 3D - incredible live wallpapers with sparkling stars. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, plunge into a mysterious world of stars and have an unforgettable journey across the galaxy.
Views: 6 659
Popularity: 717
Download free live wallpapers.
3D   Space  
Votes: 49
Venus - plunge into an incredible and endless space. Watch a huge planet. You can look at it in details from all sides.
Views: 17 622
Popularity: 2 902
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 89
Alien World - incredible alien miracles. Wonderful landscapes of faraway worlds. You can see space cars, huge statues and mysterious civilizations.
Views: 36 886
Popularity: 5 758
Download free live wallpapers.
Votes: 94
Space by HQ Awesome Live Wallpaper - wallpapers with incredible views of space, which will enchant you with their beauty. Open up miracles of space, have a virtual walk across the Solar system and visit planets and stars of our galaxy.
Views: 23 092
Popularity: 3 039
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