Here you can find free Interactive live wallpapers for Android 4.2 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Horses by Villehugh - enjoy the beauty of unique and graceful horses. Live wallpapers have simple and handy settings, flowing animation and are energy saving.
Cute cupcakes - sweet and tasty cupcakes on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have flowing animation, simple and handy settings and energy saving mode.
Black patterns - abstract live wallpapers with black patterns. The application has a collection of high quality theme pictures completed with animated hearts and flowers.
Pink diamonds - perfect live wallpapers for girls. Perfect pink diamonds will become a real decoration for your desktop and will make it unique.
Marine miracle - peaceful ocean which seems to have come from the pages of a fairytale book for children will come to life on the screen of your device. Live wallpapers have flowing animation and are compatible with most of smartphones.
Is it love - romantic live wallpapers with beautiful hearts on your desktop. The application has several themes, simple and handy settings and energy saving mode.
Sky and sea - beautiful sky and blue sea will decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers are touch sensitive, have energy saving mode and are compatible with most of devices.
Fallout 4 - awesome live wallpapers based on the same name popular game. The application has handy settings, flowing animation and energy saving mode.
Glowing water - enjoy the beauty of water surface giving you harmony, peace and balance. Tap the screen to see falling leaves, feathers and drops of water.
Peper the kitten - the cutest and the most playful kitten with charming eyes will decorate your desktop. It will watch every move of yours, shake his head, blink and move ears.
Cat clock - a funny cat with a clock face on his belly will decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have different settings, flowing animation and energy saving mode.
Daisies by Live wallpapers 3D - enjoy tender daisies any season! These bright live wallpapers are touch sensitive, have flowing animation and energy saving mode.