Here you can find free Background live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Fire letter 3D - beautiful fire letters burning on the screen of your mobile device. Any letter of the Latin alphabet can become an excellent background and the flowing animation will enchant you.
Next Time Tunnel 3D - live wallpapers for those who look into the future. High quality background, special style of performance and flowing animation will attract your attention and delight people around you. Take a piece of future with you!
Glass droplets - realistic raindrops on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have a collection of high quality pictures, simple settings and energy saving mode.
Magic color - live wallpapers which create abstract pictures mixing the colors. The pictures resemble water, colored waves and plasmic structures. The application has energy saving mode.
Hearts by Aqreadd studios - spectacular hearts with sparkling elements will decorate your desktop. Live wallpapers have different settings and are compatible with many smartphones and tablets.
Magic by Happy live wallpapers - real magic on the desktop of your smartphone or tablet. Become a magician - touch your screen to watch new magic things.
Auralights - very beautiful live wallpapers with colorful bright lights. The application offers smooth animation, is energy saving and is compatible with most of smartphones and tablets.
Melting candle 3D - live wallpapers will turn the screen of your smartphone or tablet into an old table with a candle burning on it. It will melt slowly showing battery charge level.
Sweetheart - floating hearts will fill the screen of your device. Live wallpapers have settings of background pictures, fit most of devices and are energy saving.
Magic light - abstract live wallpapers with interactive function. Magic world will spread bright colors on the screen of your gadget. You will have long battery charge thanks to the energy saving mode.
Live weather - beautiful live wallpapers with exact weather forecast for a week, high quality background pictures and different animated effects. Set these wallpapers to your device and get an exact weather forecast any moment and in any place of the world.
Fire by MISVI Apps for Your Phone - stiylish live wallpapers with fire skulls, writings and figures. Set a real flame, a fire sign or a burning candle on the screen to make your device even brighter, more unique and stylish.