Here you can find free Background live wallpapers for Android 5.2. Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Digi clock - live wall-paper which displays adjusted clock with a set of opportunities. It allows to choose a desirable color separately for date and time, a shadow, animation effects and more.
With wall-paper FooCat you will have an opportunity to look after a cat. By double tapping a cat is possible to be fed, washed or allowed to play with a toy. Also it is possible to choose a cat you like.
Apocalypse 3D - animated live wall-paper with quality graphics and a real 3D world. Plunge into the atmosphere of an apocalypse, visit the destroyed and desert city.
Live wall-paper 3D pocket watch perfectly imitates a real pocket watch. In the menu of settings it is possible to choose any background, and also clock on your taste, to arrange the size and many other things.
Fireplace video HD - take pleasure in warm and cozy atmosphere with tremendous live wall-paper. Now the house fireplace will be always with you as the app is energy saving.
With Bestiary the screen of phone becomes the dwelling of an unusual being. Every monster is capricious, with its character and with its story. Thanks to settings, it is possible to change its movements, sizes and color.
Fire clock - beautiful clock against realistic fire. Establish live wall-paper on your phone or tablet and enjoy! The app has various settings and effective animation.
Purrapy - realistic live wall-paper emitting cat's wool. If to stroke "cat" it will start bewitching purring. It’s possible to choose different wool and the cat’s voice won't leave you indifferent.
Treasure 3D - flying gold coins on your screen which jump aside from walls and from each other. The app reacts to touches, has settings of appearance and quantity of elements.
Deluxe bubble - magnificent live wall-paper which will allow you to play with different bubbles. You can burst, adjust their quantity, the direction of movement and many other things.
Glass - very realistic live wallpapers with raindrops on glass. The application reacts touches, has high quality animation and different user settings.
Sea turtle - live wall-paper with a sea turtle who lives near reeves. The app doesn't influence battery service life, has control of frequency of shots and is compatible to different resolutions of screens.