Here you can find free Background live wallpapers for Android 5.2. Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Shapes - simple, beautiful and stylish live wallpapers for the screen of your device. The application is touch sensitive, has many settings, energy saving mode and flowing animation.
Airplanes by Candycubes - awesome live wallpapers with planes in the sky. The application has simple and handy settings, energy saving mode and flowing animation.
Transmutation - spectacular live wallpapers will decorate the desktop of your device. Real magic will take place on the screen. The application has energy saving mode and floating animation.
Dolls - live wallpapers with an awesome collection of dolls. The application has floating animation, different settings. It is energy saving and compatible with most of devices.
Farm tractor 3D - live wallpapers with an awesome collection of farmer tractors and endless farming lands. The application is compatible with most of devices.
Chevron - these stylish and modern live wallpapers will give you a collection of high quality abstract pictures. The application has simple settings and energy saving mode.
Space bubbles - wonderful space bubbles which react touches and have many settings. Enjoy these fantastic live wallpapers and get positive emotions.
Glowing flowers - beautiful and unusual flowing flowers with neon effect completed with falling leaves, flying butterflies and multicolored fireflies and fires.
Luma - abstract live wallpapers with sparkling elements. The application has an interactive function, is energy saving, has smooth animation and handy settings.
Live weather - beautiful live wallpapers with exact weather forecast for a week, high quality background pictures and different animated effects. Set these wallpapers to your device and get an exact weather forecast any moment and in any place of the world.
Black by Cute Live Wallpapers And Backgrounds - stylish live wallpapers with animals and objects on the black background. Decorate your smartphone or tablet with original live wallpapers created especially for those who like dark colors.
Battlefield - beautiful live wallpapers with realistic effects especially created for the fans of military machinery. Set these wallpapers to your device and feel what it's like to be a tank driver or a helicopter pilot on the battle field.