Here you can find free Background live wallpapers for Android 5.2. Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Is it love - romantic live wallpapers with beautiful hearts on your desktop. The application has several themes, simple and handy settings and energy saving mode.
Simple squares - multicolored squares will decorate the screen of your gadget and make it unique. The application has different settings and is compatible with many devices.
Sochi 2014: Live pattern - tremendous live wall-paper with a known pattern of the Olympic Games of Sochi of 2014. This pattern is effectively reconstructed and changes on other pattern with other color.
Neon glow - beautiful neon glow on the screen of your desktop. Live wallpapers are touch sensitive, have simple and handy settings, and are energy saving.
Download free live wallpapers.
Animal print by Free wallpapers and backgrounds - awesome collection of animal prints on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. The application has floating animation and handy settings.
Bubble pop - merry wallpapers with bubbles. Select one of numerous colored backgrounds, customize speed, size, bubble movement and many other things. Besides, you can play popping bubbles.
Magic heart - a beautiful heart with spectacular animation, soap bubbles and sparkling elements. Live wallpapers are compatible with most of smartphones and tablets and have energy saving mode.
Pink diamonds - perfect live wallpapers for girls. Perfect pink diamonds will become a real decoration for your desktop and will make it unique.
Glow heart - decorate the screen of your device with glowing hearts. Live wallpapers have different settings, several themes and are touch sensitive.
Glowing water - enjoy the beauty of water surface giving you harmony, peace and balance. Tap the screen to see falling leaves, feathers and drops of water.
Hearts of love - wonderful wallpapers with bright pictures and charming animation! Wide range of different pictures and energy saving mode. Make your device a unique one together with these wallpapers.
Fire by Pawel Gazdik - stylish live wallpapers with realistic fire on the screen. Watch the dancing tongues of flame and surround yourself with a cozy atmosphere having set these wallpapers to your device.