Here you can find free Background live wallpapers for Android 4.4.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Crystal clock - luxurious crystal clock on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. The application is energy saving, has simple settings and is completed with flowing animation.
Draw in sand - live wallpapers will help to make the screen of your smartphone or tablet PC a unique one. Draw in sand and imagine bright sun, blue ocean, noise of wind and screams of seagulls far away.
Chevron - these stylish and modern live wallpapers will give you a collection of high quality abstract pictures. The application has simple settings and energy saving mode.
Particle flow - awesome abstract live wallpapers with endless flow of elements forming different figures and patterns. Swipe the screen to see a new composition.
Black bubble - fine live wall-paper which will allow you to watch slow movement of multi-colored bubbles on different backgrounds. At a touch to bubbles they will burst.
Download free live wallpapers.
Romantic by Blackbird wallpapers - enjoy romantic live wallpapers completed with the effects of steamed glass, water surface and others. The application has simple settings.
Best clock 3D - showy 3D clock with current date and time. These live wallpapers have many different visual settings, smooth animation with the latest technologies and many other things.
Tunnel 3D by Amax lwps - awesone 3D live wallpapers with endless tunnel effect. The application offers several themes, settings of speed and brightness and many other things.
Mustache - stylish live wallpapers with funny mustache. Make the screen of your smartphone or tablet unique! The application has simple settings and energy saving mode.
Space bubbles - wonderful space bubbles which react touches and have many settings. Enjoy these fantastic live wallpapers and get positive emotions.
Gradient color - beautiful color change on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers are touch sensitive, have flowing animation and energy saving mode.
Electric bubble - beautiful live wallpapers with colorful fires. Touch the screen to see new colors. The application has different effects and energy saving mode.