Here you can find free Background live wallpapers for Android 4.4.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Sparkling glitter - sparlking live wallpapers with beautiful colorful animation. Add glitter and charm to your device, make it even brighter and more stylish . You can select background color and animation according to your mood.
Sea turtle - live wall-paper with a sea turtle who lives near reeves. The app doesn't influence battery service life, has control of frequency of shots and is compatible to different resolutions of screens.
Shiny rain HD - awesome live wallpapers imitating falling raindrops. The application is energy saving, has simple settings and is compatible with most of devices.
Draw on sand - plunge into summer atmosphere in any time of year! These live wallpapers give you a chance to draw on sand. You can depict any memory or funny picture on the screen.
The 2016 - welcome the New 2016 in together with these awesome live wallpapers! The application has floating animation, simple settings and is compatible with most of devices.
Neon lights - these wonderful live wallpapers will make your desktop look bright and colorful. The application has different settings, several themes and energy saving mode.
Dreamcatcher by Niceforapps - beautiful live wallpapers with an Indian amulet that protects the sleeper from evil spirits. Decorate your device with these bright and amazing wallpapers and give yourself a sense of security and comfort.
Dancing skeleton - stylish and funny live wallpapers with a dancing skeleton. Set these positive live wallpapers with an original dancer on the screen of your device and get positive emotion for the whole day and make your friends laugh.
Download free live wallpapers.
Autumn leaves 3D by Alexander Kettler - unbelievable 3D live wallpapers with autumn leaves swinging in the wind. You can watch the scene from all sides swiping the screen.
Hot air balloon by Venkateshwara apps - magnificent and elegant hot air balloons, floating in the sky on the screen of your mobile device. The first creation of a man floating in a free manner still engrosses with its beauty.
Neuron - awesome live wallpapers with many neurons will decorate your desktop. The application has flowing animation, is compatible with many devices and has energy saving mode.
Green Cooler - high quality wallpapers with animated blades. Many adjustable effects make the coller original and the style of your device unusual. The wallpapers are energy saving.