Here you can find free Background live wallpapers for Android 2.3.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Police siren: Light & sound - a police siren on your screen! Live wallpapers have realistic sound effects, blinking lights and animation frequency settings.
Sochi 2014: Live pattern - tremendous live wall-paper with a known pattern of the Olympic Games of Sochi of 2014. This pattern is effectively reconstructed and changes on other pattern with other color.
Roller coaster - fascinating live wallpapers which create the illusion of roller coaster ride. The application offers good settings, beautiful graphics and is energy saving.
ICS phase beam - a new version of a beam phase. This live wall-paper has additional effect of 3D scrolling. Animated, bright and colourful wall-paper will decorate your phone with ease.
Black cat - live wallpaper for those who doesn't believe in signs or superstitions. A funny black cat with vivid yellow eyes will lick the screen and mysteriously disappear in the dark.
Shape swap geometrical figures generate. They come to life with use of high-quality and fast graphics. This wall-paper is strengthened by animation: forms disappear, appear, float and change the position.