Here you can find free Fantasy live wallpapers for Android 4.4.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Magic by Lux Live Wallpapers - fantasy live wallpapers with incredible worlds where magic reigns and magic creatures live. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, select one of the worlds and touch the unknown.
Little witch planet - exciting live wallpapers which will take you to the planet of a little witch. Travel across the planet together with the witch and watch locations changing and meet sinister pumpkins and crosses on the way.
Dragon by MISVI Apps for Your Phone - fantastic live wallpapers with furious and fire breathing dragons. Visit incredible world with mythic creatures living in it. They will inspire fear and horror and bring destruction and death of all alive.
Dinosaur by Niceforapps - stylish and bright live wallpapers with evil predatory dinosaurs. Set these wallpapers and open the shade to the past of mankind when our planet was inhabited by huge dinosaurs.
Fantasy worlds - fantasy worlds on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. Live wallpapers have flowing animation, simple and handy settings and are compatible with most of devices.
Assasins creed - stylish wallpapers for a smartphone or a tablet for all fans of the same named film and game. Set these wallpapers to your device and high quality pictures with your favorite heroes will gladden you each day.
Download free live wallpapers.
Unicorn by Cute Live Wallpapers And Backgrounds - wonderful live wallpapers with magic unicorns and beautiful animation. Plunge into a wonderful fairy tale where good fairies live and beautiful unicorns faithfully serve them.
Neon flowers by Art LWP - beautiful neon wallpapers with colorful sparkling flowers and animation effects. Set these bright and stylish wallpapers to the screen of your device and make it unique.
Grim reaper by Lux Live Wallpapers - gloomy and scary live wallpapers with a horrifying reaper and animation effects which make wallpapers even more realistic. Set these wallpapers to your device and make it even more stylish with the best collection of gloomy background pictures.
Unicorn 3D - fairy tale 3D live wallpapers with mythic unicorns and beautiful animation effects. Set these wallpapers and walk across the magic night forest with unicorns walking under the moon light and many bright fireflies flying there.
Heaven - bright fairy tale live wallpapers with beautiful fantasy heaven cities. Set these unusual wallpapers to the screen of your device and imagine how the life can look like in the sky or in the paradise next to God.
Dreamcatcher by Niceforapps - beautiful live wallpapers with an Indian amulet that protects the sleeper from evil spirits. Decorate your device with these bright and amazing wallpapers and give yourself a sense of security and comfort.