Here you can find free Food live wallpapers for Android 4.1.2 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Chocolate - chocolate live wallpapers for a real sweet tooth. These cute pictures of chocolates, nuts and fruit will always be with you and unwelcome calories will never appear!
Coffee by Niceforapps - atmospheric live wallpapers with designer pictures of coffee. Set these wallapapers to your device, give yourself inspiration and create atmosphere of peace and coziness around you.
Watching corn - funny and playful corn will watch all your moves. You can also put on a Christmas hat before holidays. Give yourself some festive mood!
Marshmallow candy - a tasty theme with cute wallpapers with nice marshmallows for your device. Treat yourself with a sweet application, which will surely give you joy, coziness and harmony.
Cherry - juicy live wallpapers with beautiful pictures of ripe cherry. Set these wallpapers to the screen of your smartphone or tablet and feel the scent of fresh cherries filled with sun and imagine its wonderful taste.
Fruits in the water - bright and juicy live wallpapers with a variety of summer fruits plunged into water. Make your device even brighter and more attractive having set these wallpapers with beautiful animation effects.
Juicy by BlackBird Wallpapers - bright and refreshing wallpapers with ice cubes and slices of fruits. Different effects of steamy glass and animated bubbles make your wallpapers very realistic and true to real drinks.
Candy HD - original and high quality wallpapers with many colorful candies. Set these tasty wallpapers and get a portion of good mood for the whole day. Make the screen of your device look bright and attractive.
Berries - pictures of juicy berries with rain effect will give you real summer mood. Wonderful decoration of the screen of your smartphone.
Fruits in the water by Neygavets - bright juicy live wallpapers with ripe summer fruit floating in the water. Decorate the screen of your device with these stylish and beautiful wallpapers to refresh its look.
Juicy by PanSoft - with these wallpapers it is easy to imagine that your smartphone is a beautiful glass full of delicious drink with cubes of ice and slices of juicy fruits and berries.
Strawberry by Neygavets - juicy live wallpapers with ripe red strawberries gathered under the warm rays of southern sun. Set these wallpapers to your device and enjoy the scent and beauty of sweet berries any time.