Here you can find free Flowers live wallpapers for Android 4.1.2 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Water lily - beautiful live wallpapers with colorful water lilies and digital clock. Set these wallpapers to your device and choose a homescreen design to your liking. Cheer up admiring these beautiful flowers.
Neon flowers by Phoenix Live Wallpapers - fantastic flowers of different kinds and colors. Many pictures to choose, flowing animation of small flowers, low power consumption.
Violet rose - wonderful original live wallpapers with the pictures of violet roses for your smartphone or tablet. The application has simple settings and is compatible with most of devices.
Blue flowers by Jacal video live wallpapers - unbelievable beautiful blue flowers swinging in the wind will decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet.The application is energy saving.
Lucky clover - set these wonderful and spectacular live wallpapers and they will surely bring you luck. The application is energy saving, has handy settings and smooth animation.
Rose: Magic touch - stunning live wallpapers with a beautiful rose which will change its color as you touch it. The background depends on time of the day.
Transparent sakura - create a unique look for your device with the help of a specially developed theme for a launcher with blooming pink sakura. Screen lock with sakura flowers and set of icons in pink colors will make your device elegant.
Flowers by Happy live wallpapers - tender live wallpapers with growing and cut flowers, which will perfectly match the look of your device. Impress your friends or make a romantic present to your beloved by setting these wallpapers to their device.
Autumn and winter flowers - beautiful live wallpapers with autumn and winter plants and flowers. Walk across the autumn garden after first frost where bright and colorful chrysanthemums are covered with a thin layer of frost.
Download free live wallpapers.
Rose clock by Mobile Masti Zone - romantic live wallpapers with beautiful analog clock having the design of a bunch of roses. Decorate the screen of your device with these cute wallpapers and get inspiration for new ideas to make pleasant surprises for your friends and relatives.
Tulips by Wallpaper qHD - beautiful live wallpapers with spring colorful tulips. Decorate the screen of your device with beautiful growing tulips and feel warmth of spring and scents of May flowers.
Lotus by Latest Live Wallpapers - beautiful live wallpapers with incredible and tender lotuses. Watch colorful butterflies flattering over beautiful flowers. Set these wallpapers ad create a unique look for your device.