Here you can find free Flowers live wallpapers for Android 5.2. Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Shiny flowers - these live wallpapers will give you a real flower paradise. The application offers a wonderful collection of the most beautiful flowers completed with a spectacular animation.
Retro patterns - live wallpapers with an awesome collection of popular retro patterns. The application is energy saving, is completed with animated elements and has parallax effect.
Magical rose - beautiful live wallpapers with a sparkling dark red rose. Decorate the screen of your device with these romantic wallpapers and start every day with inspiration, love and good mood.
Blooming trees - beautiful live wallpapers with interactive effects of water surface, steam glass and many others. Feel the spring mood and enjoy blooming trees.
Simple love - live wallpapers tell the story of simple love where there is no need in words and one glance is enough... Feel the romantic and tender atmosphere.
Rose: Magic touch - stunning live wallpapers with a beautiful rose which will change its color as you touch it. The background depends on time of the day.
Dandelion by Wallpapers Pro - beautiful live wallpapers with light and airy dandelions. Enjoy flight of light fluffs caused by a small wind taking them high into the endless blue sky.
Neon flower by Dynamic Live Wallpapers - unusual high quality wallpapers. They play with beautiful bright flowers and these flowers engross you. This is a perfect choice for the screen of your device. Beautiful shine of neon flowers.
Cute butterfly by Daksh apps - beautiful live wallpapers with a cute butterfly sitting on a flower and waving her wings. The application has flowing animation, energy saving mode and simple settings.
Vintage roses - beautiful vintage roses will please you every day. All pictures are made in high quality and smooth animation will wonderfully complete the application.
Sakura gardens - these live wallpapers will give you a unique chance to enjoy the beauty of sakura blooming. Falling petals will give you feeling of peace and comfort.
Flowers clock - wonderful flowers which will decorate the screen of your device as well as show time. Several variations to choose, nice colors.