Here you can find free Flowers live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Blue flowers by Jacal video live wallpapers - unbelievable beautiful blue flowers swinging in the wind will decorate the screen of your smartphone or tablet.The application is energy saving.
Sakura falling - add some elegancy to your desktop. You can change the color of the background and the color of sakura flowers. You can also adjust the speed of the elements falling.
Pink roses - tender and aromatic live wallpapers with beautiful roses. All images have high resolution, and spectacular animation harmoniously completes these wonderful and unusual flowers.
Flower 360 3D - beautiful live 3D wallpapers with bright meadow and decorative flowers that can be rotated in any projection. Decorate your device with bright summer colours and enjoy their amazing beauty every day.
Shiny flowers - these live wallpapers will give you a real flower paradise. The application offers a wonderful collection of the most beautiful flowers completed with a spectacular animation.
Retro patterns - live wallpapers with an awesome collection of popular retro patterns. The application is energy saving, is completed with animated elements and has parallax effect.
Magical rose - beautiful live wallpapers with a sparkling dark red rose. Decorate the screen of your device with these romantic wallpapers and start every day with inspiration, love and good mood.
Blooming trees - beautiful live wallpapers with interactive effects of water surface, steam glass and many others. Feel the spring mood and enjoy blooming trees.
Simple love - live wallpapers tell the story of simple love where there is no need in words and one glance is enough... Feel the romantic and tender atmosphere.
Rose: Magic touch - stunning live wallpapers with a beautiful rose which will change its color as you touch it. The background depends on time of the day.
Dandelion by Wallpapers Pro - beautiful live wallpapers with light and airy dandelions. Enjoy flight of light fluffs caused by a small wind taking them high into the endless blue sky.
Neon flower by Dynamic Live Wallpapers - unusual high quality wallpapers. They play with beautiful bright flowers and these flowers engross you. This is a perfect choice for the screen of your device. Beautiful shine of neon flowers.