Here you can find free Flowers live wallpapers for Android 2.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Water lily - beautiful live wallpapers with colorful water lilies and digital clock. Set these wallpapers to your device and choose a homescreen design to your liking. Cheer up admiring these beautiful flowers.
Magical rose - beautiful live wallpapers with a sparkling dark red rose. Decorate the screen of your device with these romantic wallpapers and start every day with inspiration, love and good mood.
Sakura by luyulin - beautiful live wallpapers with blooming sakura trees. Decorate the screen of your device with these wallpapers, walk across the Japanese cherry trees garden and have a rest from daily routines and rush.
Spring flowers by SoundOfSource - bright live wallpapers with spring flowers and blooming trees. Feel the spring warmth and smell of meadow flowers, enjoy relaxing atmosphere of harmony and happiness.
Lotus by villeHugh - beautiful live wallpapers with wonderful rose flowers and animation effects. Set these wallpapers and enjoy a bright sunny day and a beautiful lake with tender flowers growing on its shore.
Poppy field - beautiful live wallpapers with poppy fields. Watch the movement of the sun from sunrise to sunset, watch the clouds floating and day changing night. Change the speed of wind and size of the moon and enjoy birds flying over blooming fields.
Flowers by villeHugh - bright live wallpapers with garden and wild flowers. Enjoy the spring blooming of trees, tropic orchids and garden roses. Apply animated effects to make your wallpapers look unique and original.
1031 flowers - cute live wallpapers with various beautiful flowers. Decorate the screen of your device or tablet with beautiful roses or daisies, which will cheer you up every day.
Garden HD by Play200 - beautiful wallpapers with blooming decorative gardens. Walk along the paths with beautiful flowerbeds having colorful flowers, have rest on the decorative bench near the paved path and enjoy the nature beauty.
Tranquility 3D - bright summer live wallpapers with a hummingbird flying over the field with flowers. Enjoy the atmosphere of peace and plunge into the world of harmony and happiness. Weather forecast and a clock are handy extra options of this application.
Water drops by - tender live wallpapers with sakura flowers and water drops. Give yourself a chance to enjoy spring any season and any time of day with beautiful animated effects represented by water drops going down the screen.
Flowers by Ultimate Live Wallpapers PRO - tender live wallpapers with beautiful flowers. Decorate your device with these wallpapers and feel what it's like to be in a summer garden surrounded by many bright flowers and magic smells.