Here you can find free With clock live wallpapers for Android 4.4.1 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Rose clock -wonderful analog clock decorated with roses and petals. Live wallpapers have many settings, are energy saving and fit most of devices.
Space galaxy 3D - decorate your device with live wallpapers having a designer's set of space galaxy style elements. Bright hologram combined with exact weather forecast and clock will make the screen of your device stylish and practical.
Real money - stylish live wallpapers with money for those who knows its value and knows how to earn it. Make a real money rain on the screen of your device. As you know, money is never enough and these wallpapers will surely bring you luck in finance.
Music clock - music live wallpapers with original analogue clock on beautiful background. Enjoy your favorite melodies and select a unique design for your device having selected a background and clock design from the gallery.
Analog clock by Weather Widget Theme Dev Team - relaxing and handy live wallpapers with a big analog clock on the device screen. Set these wallpapers with accurate time of your location to create a stylish and practical design for your device.
Neon Clock - wallpapers with unique line generator. Embedded clock shows the device time and widget shows exact temperature outside.
Space tourism - these wonderful live wallpapers will help you examine the space. The application has stylish clock, compass and shows the battery charge and temperature.
Download free live wallpapers.
Launcher 3D - one of the most popular launchers with a huge choice of live wallpapers, sets of designer's icons, ability to create your own wallpapers with different animation effects. boost your device and improve its protection with extra options of this application.
Sunflower clock - original live wallpapers with analog clock represented by a sunflower. Decorate the screen of your device with beautiful and useful wallpapers, which will make your device unique and you will always know the exact time.
Analog clock by Thalia Photo Art Studio - beautiful and stylish live wallpapers in dark blue color with analog clock. Set these wallpapers to your device, select a clock design to your liking and place it in the convenient place on the desktop.
Love: Clock by Lo Siento - beautiful live wallpapers with romantic theme and designer clock. Decorate your device with these cute and useful wallpapers which will give your device a certain charm and elegance.
Flat Battery - strict wallpapers having an embedded battery charge indicator. The application applies huge amount of effects to make the wallpaper look unique and bright.