Here you can find free Aquariums live wallpapers for Android 4.0.3 . Any Android live wallpaper can be included into several categories and have several features.
Couple photo aquarium - is a wonderful way to depict your friends and those you love. Beautiful background combined with faces you want to see as often as possible will make the screen of your device unique.
Aquarium and fish - bright and colorful fishes on the screen of your device. Live wallpapers offer many settings, are touch sensitive and energy saving.
Galaxy aquarium - wonderful aquarium with cute fishes. Change background and speed of movement of fishes in the settings and enjoy perfect combination of your parameters. High quality animation.
Gold fish - beautiful gold fish peacefully swimming on the screen of your device. Little irenic creatures will please you with their presence wherever you are.
Aquarium by Best Live Wallpapers Free - wonderful engrossing aquarium with many decorative fishes and wide range of backgrounds. Flowing realistic animation, unintrusive colors, low power consumption.
Pond with Koi - beautiful and modern live video wallpapers. Enjoy picturesque nature and wonderful koi. The application is energy saving and has convenient settings.
Shark reef - evil sharks will swim on your desktop and small exotic fishes will try to escape from hungry beasts. The application has different background pictures.
Sea: Battery - live wall-paper which shows the level of a charge of your phone. The lower the sea level on the screen is, the less the charge is. It is possible to adjust quantity of small fishes and a rock.
Koi by Jacal Video Live Wallpapers - beautiful and relaxing live wallpapers with colorful koi fish. Create your own aquarium directly on the screen of your device and enjoy funny swimming of fishes.
Neon fish - beautiful live wallpapers with neon tropical fishes. The application reacts touches, has many settings and fits most of smartphones and tablets.
Ocean by Linpus technologies - beautiful underwater world on the screen of your smartphone or tablet. You can watch tropic fish, sea horses and other underwater inhabitants.
Coral fish 3D - bright and colorful fish will become a real decoration of your desktop. Live wallpapers are touch sensitive, have smooth animation and many settings.